March 19, 2020
Seremban, Malaysia
| by
Kira Tien
Apple Drop a Bomb! Brand new iPad Pro 2020 Release!
$799 (RM3,499) for the 11-inch, $949 (4,399) for the 12.9-inch, in stores next week (Maybe?)

What Happened?

Yesterday while I'm resting at my couch, suddenly THE Verge post a news than Apple release the brand-new iPad Pro 2020. Does it really catch up the hype? Let's find out.

Your next computer is not a computer

After you watch the trailer, the title name as “Your next computer is not a computer”. This is a fun part, to discussion, why? If you’re the iPad lover, you will know that last year Apple announced the predecessor iPad Pro 2019 as “COMPUTER REPLACEMENT”. This year look like apple try to move forward and advertising as the device can beyond the current COMPUTER. As an iPad pro user, I will say that, this is WRONG yet to be true is some situation.

The Design & Camera

Source : Apple | iPad Pro 2020 11-inch and 12.9-inch Design

Source : Apple | iPad Pro 2020 Triple Camera System

The front design is identical as the last gen iPad Pro 2019, but the rear camera are changing a lot with the new fancy 12MP wide and a 10MP ultra-wide, but the third module is actually an LiDAR scanner (Light Detection And Ranging) that uses direct time-of-flight to measure reflected light and in theory improve stuff like Augmented Reality (AR) performance. Personally, I know that AR is the future, but how can it be useful in current situation? Can it be using as a motion capture tool? If do so, it will be so much fun to using as a content create tool such as MocapX.

The Performance

Source : Apple | iPad Pro 2020 Procreate Apps

Well, apple always says with our latest and greatest A12Z Bionic chip, iPad Pro is so fast it outpaces most PC laptops available today. It makes everything you do fast and fluid, from your everyday tasks to graphics-intensive workflows…and more. Yes, I really appreciate that apple got always enhance their processor, but it would help it more like a computer or beyond it. Okay, what I’m trying to say is the bottleneck of the device is iOS or they separate it as iPad OS.

The iPad got a lot of great third-party app such as LumaFusion, Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, Procreate, Adobe app (Which is suck) and more. The is main problem is the file manager. I know apple is already enhance it, but still hard to use it. It’s hard to import & export the file crossing the different app or device. This blog script I rather typing on my COMPUTER because the Microsoft word on the iPad Pro don’t come with the words count feature. Such a small feature sometimes will drive you crazy when you are using the iPad as a computer replacement.

The Brand-New Accessories

Source : Apple | iPad Pro 2020 Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil

Finally, Apple redesign the smart keyboard (Which is suck) with the brand-new keyboard name as the "Magic Keyboard"! It has almost all the feature that we want such as a scissor switch and 1mm travel, backlit, attaches magnetically, floating adjustable tilt design and a trackpad design. A Trackpad designs? Really? Yes! It’s real!

However, I’m still curious does this trackpad is this same trackpad on the MacBook? Just leave it aside, this is a really and almost perfect accessories for the iPad Pro if you can afford the ridiculous price tag which are $299 (RM1,349) for the 11-inch iPad Pro and $349 (RM1,549) for the 12.9-inch iPad Pro. Which you can buy a brand-new iPad ($329 or RM1,449) for that kind of money with some change.

You can see the trackpad demo at Here.

Buy it or skip it?

Source : Apple | iPad Pro 2020 Price

With the same price tag for double up the storage, this year iPad Pro 2020 is worth to buy. But keep in mind, it would be able to replace the computer yet. The iPad sure can do a lot kind of task like writing the script, video editing, sketching or even photography! The most important is does the apps provide the feature or function that you would want to use?

However, a normal iPad also can do all the task that iPad Pro does. Erm… So, do you still need an iPad Pro 2020?

Feel Free to Ask

Just check out the iPad Pro 2020, if you still find confuse of want to know more please drop a message at HERE! I will try my best to help you!

Kira Tien

The Martian | Tech Enthusiast | Hate to eat carrot
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Kōjin Journey is a place to bring you along to explore my design, blog, lifestyle and inspire you to make history. I’m Kira Tien, and this is my design journey.